Motocross Tenerife Rental 365MX
We rent out Dirtbikes & Protections clothes for All Conditions and Skill Levels
We are based in Tenerife South in San Miguel de Abona. 3 minutes far away the TF-1, 15 minutes from the Airport and 20 minutes from Adeje. You can rent out Motocross & Offroad Bikes to ride it on our own oficial international MX Track Circuit Celestino Hernández 365 days best wether.
Especially for kids
Electric Dirtbikes
For Any Skill Level
Petrol 65ccm - 350ccm
65ccm - 450ccm Motocross Rental
Our service & Bikes
65cc | 85cc | 125cc | 250cc | 350cc | 450cc
10:00 - 13:00 | 13:30 - 16:30
SlotsSlot 1 | Slot 2 | 20 Minutes OPEN
Protection Clothes & Gear
incl.We provide eveything
Body Insurance
incl.Safety -
Trackside support
Incl.Service -
Fee Racetrack
incl.Racetrack fee -
Fuel, Oil, etc...
incl.Service -
99,00 €20 Minutes
199,00 €3 hours Slot

Electric Kids Minicross Rental
Our service & Bikes
Torrot | Husqvarna EE5 | SUR-RON
10:00 - 13:00 | 13:30 - 16:30
SlotsSlot 1 | Slot 2 | 20 Minutes OPEN
4 - Years
YearsYou must be able to ride a bike.
Protection Clothes & Gear
incl.We provide everything
Body Insurance
incl.Safety -
Trackside support
Incl.Service -
Fee Racetrack
incl.Racetrack fee -
Fuel, Oil, etc...
incl.Service -
79,00 €20 Minutes
129,00 €60 Minutes | Complete Slot

Electric Cross / GOCROSS Rental
Our GOCROSS / SUR-RON electric motos are for everyone to drive and easy to handle like a bicycle.
10:30 - 17:30
OpenSlots for rent | Monday - Thursday
Protection Clothes & Gear
incl.We provide everything
Body Insurance
incl.Safety -
Trackside support
Incl.Service -
Fee Racetrack
incl.Racetrack fee -
Energy, Oil, etc...
incl.Service -
75,00 €20 Minutes
159,00 €3 hours Slot
incl.All sizes & Kids -
incl.ONE size & Kids -
Chest protector
incl.All sizes & Kids -
Ellbow protection
incl.ONE size & Kids -
incl.All sizes & Kids -
Knee protection
incl.ONE size & Kids -
incl.ONE size & Kids -
incl.All sizes & Kids

All Extra Services
Shuttle Service
45,00 €Tenerife South
20,00 €Professional Photos on track
49,00 €Professional drone video
Action cams INSTA 360 / DJI
20,00 €Action cam rental

If you don't have a car to get to our motocross track in San Miguel de Abona, we will pick you up and bring you back safely. Without any stress

We ride with you on the track with a professional camera and take spectacular photos in the highest resolution and quality.

We follow you for aproxx. 10 minutes with our drone. The videos vary depending on the speed of the drivers. We try to stay as close to you as possible to capture spectacular footage.

Rent an action camera of the latest generation.
- A Slot: consists of 3 hours of stay with a maximum of 90 minutes of riding time. During these 3 hours, you can ride at your own pace, take breaks, etc...
- 20 Minutes: means 20 minutes of riding time on the track without a break. Similar to GO-KART
1. You arrive at our location
2. Documentation, insurance, and briefing
3. Protective gear
4. Have fun!
No. You dont`t need a driving licence or Motorsport license
The minimum Age is 4 years. We are specialized for kids and beginners. For Kids we recommend that you can ride a bicycle.
100% yes. We are professionals and safety is the first rule. You get a Body insurance for Motorsports, our bikes are constantly maintained, yout get high quality protection gear and we are on a international official Motocross Track and Area.
Of course Motorsport can be dangerous.
We speak English, German & espanol native.
We accept cash, Maestro, Creditcards. The only creditcard we don`accept is American Express.